We are seeking educators who are passionate about children and their schooling.
Are you concerned with how behaviour is managed in school and share our belief
that we can, and need to, approach this differently today? If so, then we invite you to
contribute your expertise to development of CPD resources that enhance the skills,
understanding and approach to behaviour management of teachers and others in
school. Our focus is on Black and other racialised children whose experience of
education is often more difficult than it should be.
Exclusion data indicates that Black Caribbean and Gypsy, Roma or Traveller children are
nearly three times more likely to be permanently excluded from school than their White
British peers.[1]
Data also highlights disparities in suspension and managed moves. This underscores the
urgent need for interventions to ensure all children have equitable school experiences.
Clearly, something different needs to happen. So… we are reaching out to educators who
want to review and reposition their practice and to consider what more can be done to
manage difficult behaviour and support positive relationships with Black and other
racialised children.
In addition, we welcome input from students and their parents as they play a vital role in
shaping the learning environment and dealing with school issues.
Once complete the CPD resources will be shared with schools.
To find out more about how to get involved please drop us a line.
